Weekly Announcements


15 - 21 September 2024

Lay-led Service : Emma McMillan, LJ Forrest & Anne Mather

Organist : Simon Bertram

Hymns & Readings for the 10 am service -

Hymn numbers : 152, 143, All the world that surrounds us, 243, 153

Readings : Psalm 19 and Mark 8 : 27 - 38

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WELCOME TO WORSHIP at Cramond Kirk in church and on-line. We are glad you have been able to join us.

FURTHER INFORMATION on many of the following announcements is available from Louise in the Cramond Kirk Office or from Alan Fisher at Pennywell Kirk (fishatthewell@hotmail.com). The Cramond Kirk office is open from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm, Monday to Friday. Louise can also be contacted on 336 2036 or by e-mail at office@cramondkirk.org.uk. 

CONTACTING REVEREND JULIA CATO If you need to contact Julia, her phone number is 07706 454148 and her email address is jcato@churchofscotland.org.uk.

A PASTORAL CARE INFORMATION DAY is being held in Cramond Kirk Hall from 10.30 am – 1.30 pm on Saturday, 21 September. Please do drop in for information, advice and help on care at home, care homes, assisted living, keeping yourself safe, funeral planning, wills and powers of attorney. Whether you want advice for yourself, an older relative, a friend or neighbour, our experts will be happy to help answer your questions. Teas and coffees will also be ‘on hand’.

CRAMOND COFFEE & CHAT takes place every Monday from 10.30 am to 12 noon in the Gathering Space of Cramond Kirk Hall and all are welcome.

‘THE PLACE TO BE’ COFFEE MORNING is held in Pennywell Kirk Hall every Monday at 10 am. All are welcome.

MEET & GREET AT THE MANSE Julia and her family would like to invite you to a “meet & greet” afternoon at the Manse on Sunday, 22 September. To try and avoid everyone turning up at the same time, the afternoon will be divided into 3 hourly slots : 1 pm – 2 pm, 2 pm – 3 pm and 3 pm – 4 pm. Sign up sheets are available at the Kirk doors and in the Kirk Hall and we’d be grateful if you could put your name down for one of the slots. Julia and family look forward to welcoming you with tea, coffee and home baking.

CALLING ALL BAKERS If anyone has a little spare time in the coming week and would be able to provide a (nut-free) traybake for Sunday’s Meet & Greet, we would be very grateful. Any donations can be handed in to the Kirk Office during the week or left on the counter in the Gathering Space before the 10 am service on Sunday, 22 September.

VISITING TEAM HARVEST SERVICE Cramond Kirk’s Visiting Team invites everyone to join them at their Harvest service and afternoon tea on Thursday, 26 September. The doors open at 1.30 pm and the service will start at 2 pm.

DOORS OPEN DAY WEEKEND – STEWARDS NEEDED Cramond Kirk will be open on Saturday, 28 September from 10 am – 4 pm and on Sunday, 29 September from 2 pm – 5 pm. Could you spare a couple of hours on either day to welcome visitors to our historic Kirk?  If so please be in touch with Lesley Cumming at ljcumming2@gmail.com

BIBLE STUDY – STIRRED BY THE STORM Edinburgh Northwest Kirk Bible Study Group meets in Cramond Kirk Hall every second Wednesday at 7 pm and the next meeting of the new session is on Wednesday, 25 September. The group will be continuing to study Ian Gilmour’s book “Stirred by the Storm”. All are welcome and if you’d like to join via zoom instead of in person, please contact Louise in the Kirk Office.

MURAL CELEBRATION & OPEN DAY Muirhouse Neighbourhood Garden is celebrating its grand mural opening from 3 pm – 5 pm on Monday, 16 September. All are welcome and as well as the grand opening there’ll be art workshops run by National Galleries Scotland, garden tours and refreshments. Muirhouse Neighbourhood Garden is on Pennywell Medway, next to Fidra Court.

THE CRAMOND WALKERS next walk is on Tuesday, 17 September with a pleasant low-level walk from Aberfoyle round Lochan Spling (6 km) including some sculptures along the route, followed by a circuit to Doon Hill and its cloutie tree (4.5 km). Meet : Barnton Avenue West at 9.30 am or Aberfoyle main car park (near the Wool Centre) at 10.40 am. Further details are available HERE 

THE ORIGIN BIG BAND will be playing one night of jazz in the Carrubbers Christian Centre, 65 High Street at 7.30 pm on Saturday, 21 September. Free tickets are available at HERE. All are welcome.

FRESH START Many thanks for all this week’s donations. Donations are always welcome and can be left on the Fresh Start table in the Kirk Hall at any time or delivered to the Fresh Start warehouse at 22-24 Ferry Road Drive. Further information on Fresh Start is available HERE

CHURCH CARETAKER VACANCY St Ninians Church Corstorphine are seeking a part-time hall caretaker (6 hours per week) to assist the church officer with light caretaking & cleaning duties on a Tuesday morning + a few additional hours over the course of the week. For further information, please contact Scott Waugh at swaugh.church@outlook.com


4 September       Robert Black

10 September     James Hall

FLOWERS         Gill MacLeod





in Cramond Kirk

Sunday, 22 September

(Minister : Reverend Julia A Cato)

8.45 : Morning Prayers

10.00 am : Morning Worship

Sunday, 29 September

(Minister : Reverend Dr Martin Scott)

8.45 : Morning Prayers

10.00 am : Morning Worship

in Pennywell Kirk

Sunday, 22 September

(Service led by Helen Fisher)

11.00 am : Morning Worship

Sunday, 29 September

(Minister : Reverend Julia A Cato)

11.00 am : Morning Worship



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